
  • Showing 85–96 of 119 results

Palmarosa essential oil is refreshing and soothing. It can be beneficial for problem and oily skin and is also good for mature skin. It has a rosy, fresh and grassy like aroma.

Patchouli essential oil is a relaxing, sensual and soothing essential oil. The soothing, regenerative and antiseptic properties of patchouli essential oil make it invaluable in skin care preparations for dry, mature, problem or itchy skin. A very popular oil in the 1960s. It has an earthy, oriental and sensual aroma. #

Peppermint essential oil has cooling, invigorating, clearing, refreshing and antiseptic properties. It is refreshing to the nasal passages when used as an inhalant. Peppermint essential oil is mildly antiseptic and helps purify the skin. It is useful in maintaining healthy digestion and also as an insect repellent. It has a fresh, bright and minty aroma.

Peru Balsam is clear yellow to yellow brown liquid. It has a vanilla like scent. For this reason you will see it as a scenting agent in creams and lotions. Historically, this was an important ingredient in the anointing oils of the Christian faith. It was combined with olive oil and used for blessing by a bishop and used as a chrism.

Pine essential oil has fresh, bracing, antibacterial and stimulating properties. Pine essential oil is a ideal for use in inhalations. It has a positive, strengthening affect on both the mind and body. Pine essential oil is refreshing and quickly clears the head and revitalises the body.

Evening primrose oil (EPO) is made from the seeds of the flowers of a plant native to North America. The plant has traditionally been used to treat: bruises. hemorrhoids.

Rosehip oil is also known as rosehip seed oil. … Unlike rose oil, which is extracted from rose petals, rosehip oil is pressed from the fruit and seeds of the rose plant. Prized since ancient times for its valuable healing benefits, rosehip oil is loaded with skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Rosemary essential oil is invigorating, enlivening and energising, giving clarity to the mind and aiding concentration. Rosemary essential oil is a toning essential oil for the body, helpful with muscular fatigue. Beneficial in hair care preparations, giving a healthy shine to hair. Useful in maintaining a healthy immune system. It has a penetrating, fresh, woody-balsamic and minty aroma.

Sage essential oil is gentle to use in body skin care preparations for problem skin and wrinkles. Sage essential oil is also used to optimise a healthy immune system. Sage essential oil is relaxing and soothing to the body and mind, it helps you cope with the stresses and strains of a busy lifestyle.

Boswellia serrata (Salai/Salai guggul) is a moderate to large sized branching tree that grows in Liquid mountainous regions of India, Northern Africa and the Middle East. The family of Burseraceae is represented in the plant kingdom with 17 genera and 600 species wide-spread in all tropical regions.

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