Which Essential Oil Can Make Your Skin Go “WOAH”

Essential oils have long been recognized as the solution to various types of skin and hair problems. In fact, their popularity for these reasons has grown so much that even the overall essential oil market is witnessing a boom. Beyond skin and hair, essential oils are even linked to having an impact on the overall wellbeing when using in aromatherapy or in baths. Their mere inhalation has been reported to be beneficial in reducing stress and eliminating anxiety.

These miracle oils, also called essential oils, are basically extracted from plants, herbs, flowers and carry all the active ingredients in them. It takes several pounds of a plant to create only a bottle of essential oil. As they can be made from different beneficial plants, it should be noted that essential oils come in different types of fragrances.

Specifically for skincare, essential oils are highly regarded. There are certain types of essential oils which are preferred when dealing with a specific skin condition/problem/infection. For instance, when dealing with dry skin, lavender essential oil is recommended, and for oily skin, rosemary essential oil is the best choice.

For the new buyers these decisions are usually not guided properly. Before you buy anything, researching about the right fit product for yourself is very important. The purpose of this piece of article is to help you in choosing the best essential oil for your skin’s needs!

  1. Acne problems – A problem that troubles millions around the globe! Acnes and their marks are the primary reason why people scourge the internet for cosmetic solutions, looking for the right product that helps their skin glow and get back to its healthy condition.

The essential oils commonly used to deal with acne concerns are lemongrass essential oil due to its astringent properties, lemon essential oil due to the citric acid and tea tree oil due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

  • Skin rash – Contrary to perceived notions, a skin rash is very common a problem faced by people often due to allergies, sun exposure or psoriasis. A few researches have been carried out to test which essential oils will help in curbing the problems of skin rash. Researchers found that thyme and lavender essential oils are the best choice. Apart from these common ones, a few others that have been the best aid in skin rash are:

Wintergreen essential oil with its cooling properties containing methyl salicylate, Eucalyptus essential oil with soothing properties provides plenty moisture to the skin and finally, peppermint essential oil with its natural menthol helps in dealing with various skin problems including skin rash.

  • Anti-aging – You read that right! Essential oils bear the power to rewind the ageing process!! The oils most commonly recommended for this aspect are:

Rose essential oil with antioxidants such as vitamin A and vitamin C helps in aiding the skin cells promotion. By this, the impact of ageing can be visibly slowed down on the skin.

Myrrh essential oil used to be popular among the women in ancient Egypt. It helps in promoting blood circulation which helps to create a brighter and younger looking skin.

As new users or even old users of essential oil, it should be noted that these oils must never be used directly on the skin. The last word of advice we always give is: ‘always dilute the oil before you use the oil.’

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