HSN Code: 3301
Botanical Name: Cupressus Sempervirens
CAS Number: 8013-86-3
Cypress Essential Oil
Cypress essential oil is a wonderful essential oil for overheated skin and maintaining a healthy circulation. The astringent and toning properties of Cypress essential oil support areas under constant pressure such as the legs. It is refreshing and a natural deodorant. It is useful for visible veins and cellulite and in optimising a healthy immune system. Cypress essential oil is an excellent womens oil, especially during menstruation and the menopause. It has a sweet, warm and woody aroma.
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Camphor essential oil has antiseptic properties. It is particularly useful for oily skin types or in blends for muscular aches and pains. There are anti-itch gel and cooling gels with camphor as the active ingredient. Camphor is an active ingredient (along with menthol) in vapor-steam products, such as Vicks VapoRub. It is also found in clarifying masks used for skin. Camphor is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odor. It is a terpenoid with the chemical formula C10H16O. It is found in wood of the camphor laurel (Cinnamomum camphora), a large evergreen tree found in Asia (particularly in Borneo and Taiwan, hence its alternate name).
Ginger essential oil has a powerful scent. A drop or two of ginger essential oil will add an interesting tone to mixtures, especially those containing other spicy oils. Inhaling a few drops of ginger essential oil in hot water may help to ease spasmodic coughing. In massage, the warming properties of ginger essential oil can be particularly useful for people who always feel cold. Ginger essential oil has a warm, fresh, fiery and woody-spicy aroma.